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Do this first: Please read this important New Client Update in full right now.
You did it!
Whether you realize it or not, you just made the smartest decision of your life.
Now don’t worry because you’re on the correct page.
Right now I have an important update to share with you.
So make sure you read this short update all the way to the end…
And don’t close this window or hit the “back” arrow as it may create errors on your order.
I can’t tell you how thrilled I am that you took the first steps to living a life of true freedom.

I mean, look at what just happened here.
You started the day as a prisoner to your job and to your boss.
Living your life on someone else’s terms and slogging through each day because you have bills to pay.
Working your butt off every day for an ungrateful boss just to make somebody else rich.
I get it.
I’ve been there.
But you knew this isn’t the way to want to spend the rest of your life.
And when you saw an opportunity to do something about it…
You said, “I’m not going to take it anymore!”
And you decided that from now on, you’re going to live life on your own terms.
And from that moment on, your life was forever changed. I mean it.
When you hit that button to get your copy of the 1 Email A Day system you didn’t just get an amazing product…
You changed the very course of your life.
It’s true.
Because there won’t be a single aspect of your life that won’t be significantly better once you start making money online.
Whether it’s bringing in an extra thousand bucks a month to help improve your quality of life…
Or if you go “all-in” and quit your job to live the “laptop lifestyle”…
Everything about your life is about to improve.
Your stress levels will drop as you feel calmer and more relaxed than you’ve ever felt in your adult life.
Your relationship with your significant other will thrive like never before.
You’ll become a superhero to your kids.
After all, when you’re living life on YOUR terms…
Working whenever and wherever you feel like it…
And making as much money as you please…
Family life will spark more joy than you’ve ever experienced before.
And let’s be honest here…
The financial benefits are going to feel great too.
Because when YOU control how much you want to earn every month…
Life is a lot more enjoyable.
And frankly, It’s the life that you deserve.
Imagine how your old coworkers are going to react when they see your new lifestyle.
Or how good it’s going to feel moving your family into a new home, with more space, and better schools for your kids.
And can you picture the look on your old boss’s face when he finds out you’re living in a nicer neighborhood than he ever will?
Now I’m not the type of guy who’s out to “get revenge” on people…
But I’m here to tell you that it’s going to feel damn good.
Not having to worry about money is going to change your whole relationship with your spouse.
Being able to send your kids to the best colleges on the planet is going to give you a sense of security and pride you’ve never felt before.
Honestly, there won’t be a single aspect of your life that won’t improve once you start making money on your own terms.
Your coffee will taste better in the mornings.
The air you breathe will feel fresher.
You’ll start to notice the beauty all around you.
You’ll look like a hero to your family.
And I know that you’ll agree that this is living.
And once you experience a taste of TRUE freedom, you’ll want to keep living the good life for the rest of your days.
Or will you?
Maybe none of this happens.
Maybe you will never start making money online.
Maybe you stay broke.
Maybe you stay stuck in a job you hate.
Working for a boss that doesn’t respect you and doesn’t give a crap about you.
And working yourself to death while never getting ahead.
Missing your kid’s soccer games and choir recitals because you need to go to work.
Because here’s the thing.
Even though you made the wise choice to invest in yourself today by getting the 1 Email A Day system…
You can still sabotage your success.
I’ve seen it happen before.
Some people get all excited about this amazing new way to make money online…
And then the excitement quickly fizzles when they don’t get a big “win” right off the bat.
This is the last thing I want to see happen to you.
That’s why I identified the #1 reason why some people never really start making money with the 1 Email A Day system.
You see, it’s easy to get excited about making money by sending emails to folks.
Getting paid to give them the exact information they are looking for anyway.
But the problem is some folks were having problems finding the right people to send these emails out to.
And when they weren’t making money from their emails right out the gate…
They got frustrated and quit before they really even got started.
And man, it just kills me every time I see this happen because I know how easy it is to make money with this method.
I’ve seen the life-changing results first-hand.
And then one day it just hit me.
I knew exactly what I needed to do to help make the 1 Email A Day system work even better.
Bringing you results even easier and faster.
And when I figured out how to do this, it was like putting the 1 Email A Day system
on steroids.
Here’s the thing.
In order to make money from these simple emails you’re sending out…
You need to have people “raise their hands” telling you that they’re interested in receiving your emails.
And once these people give you their email address, all you have to do is send the email and collect your money.
Now there are 2 ways to collect these email addresses from interested people.
1.) A FREE method that most people call “organic traffic”.
This is where you get people to “raise their hands” telling you that they’re interested in the information that you have to share.
These people give you their email address so that you can send them the info they are looking for.
You make money sending the emails and it doesn’t cost you a dime. (Hence the term “free traffic.”)
2.) A PAID method, which is essentially you buying ads to attract people. We call this “paid traffic.”
Now, this is a bit more complicated (and risky).
First, you need to get an ad account somewhere.
Come up with an ad budget just for testing.
Test out a few dozen ad creatives to see what works.
Dial-in your ads so they are profitable.
And then finally collect email addresses at a profit.
The big problem with this method is that it requires cash to get started.
I know a lot of folks who spend a few thousand dollars just on testing the ads.
OK, so those are the two paths you can take.
Now, there is no “right” way to do it.
Both free (organic) and paid traffic will make you money.
All that matters is that you have interested people to send emails to so they can buy the promotions you’re emailing out.
(i.e. the information they are looking for online.)
In the end, paid traffic usually makes you more money from your emails.
But here’s the thing…
When I first started out, I was flat broke.
So I didn’t have any extra money to spend on paid traffic.
Therefore I needed to find a way to get free traffic.
Which means I was collecting people’s email addresses at no cost.
And then I was able to make money by emailing the people who gave me their email addresses for free.
After that, I was able to take my profits and grow my list even faster and easier with paid traffic.
But I never would’ve reached that point if I hadn’t started building my list with FREE (organic) traffic.
And what I realized is that most people who invest in the 1 Email A Day system are in the same boat I was in when I first started out.
They need a way to attract free traffic so they can get going.
And I want to make sure EVERYONE has a chance to succeed with this proven system…even if you’re flat broke right now.
And that’s why I created the...
Free Traffic Formula
Because after years of refining my process, I was able to systematize it and make it easier than ever to get free traffic to come to you.
The Free Traffic Formula shows you exactly how to attract people who WANT the promotions that you’ll be emailing out.
And when you follow the simple formula that I’ve laid out for you…
These people will voluntarily give you their email address and it won’t cost you a dime.
And long story short…the more email addresses you have, the more money you’ll make.
Which means you’ll start making more money, sooner…
Even if you don’t have a budget for paid ads right now.
Like I said, using the Free Traffic Formula is like putting the 1 Email A Day system on steroids.
Kickstarting your new online business and igniting your profits from the get-go.
Once you put the Free Traffic Formula into action, your “email list” will grow automatically.
Which means every time you send an email, you’ll make more money.
It’s really just that simple.
More people raising their hands to receive the information that you’re already sending out anyway.
It’s the same system I used to go from a dead-broke bartender to making GOOD money online my very first week.
And it can do the same for you, even if you’re just starting out.
But here’s the thing.
I’m only offering the Free Traffic Formula to people who already have the 1 Email A Day system.
And this is the ONLY place you can get it.
Once you leave this page today, you’ll never see this offer again.
This is a one-time opportunity for people who are serious about making money online with my 1 Email A Day system.
Now the question is, how much is freedom worth to you?
How much would you pay to live the rest of your life on your own terms?
I can tell you that it cost me upwards of $10,000 to test my Free Traffic Formula and get it dialed in.
This is from years of experience, testing ads, and experimenting with different ways to get traffic.
Plus I spent another $5,000 or so having the actual program built so that it’s easy for you to plug it in and make money.
So in the end I’ve invested about $15,000 on this.
Which sounds like a lot but It was important to me to make this as easy as possible for you.
And after showing my Free Traffic Formula to other folks in the industry, many people were urging me to charge $2,500+ for this program.
But I knew that wasn’t going to help anybody.
If you’re like most folks who get the 1 Email A Day system, you don’t have a ton of extra cash just lying around.
You’re looking to start making money online as soon as possible, without investing a bunch of cash upfront.
And that’s exactly who I made the Free Traffic Formula for.
So I’m not going to ask you to pay anywhere near $2,500 today.
In fact, I’ve decided to do something a little crazy.
So when you upgrade your order to include the Free Traffic Formula today…
I’m only going to ask you to invest a small amount to offset our costs to keep this program going.
Which means all you have to pay is a one-time investment of $50 $19 today.
Which means all you have to pay is a one-time investment of $50 $19 today.
Which is an absolute no-brainer in my book.
After all, you’ve already taken the first step towards freedom by investing in the 1 Email A Day system today.
Why wouldn’t you want to significantly increase your chance of success by making it work even faster and better?
And all for the insanely low price of $19.
Just remember, this is a one-time offer that is only available on this webpage, right here today.
Once you leave this page you will never have the chance to get the Free Traffic Formula again at any price…
Much less for the extremely discounted price that you’re seeing here today.
And to really make this a “no-brainer” for you, I’m backing this with my 100% “make more money” guarantee.
So if you’re not satisfied for any reason in the next 60 days, you can simply email our support team and I’ll refund you every penny on the spot.
No questions asked.
Which means there’s no risk on your part today.

I’m shouldering 100% of the risk here because I believe in this.
I believe that the Free Traffic Formula will change your life.
And that’s what I’m here to do. So I’m putting my money where my mouth is.
Essentially letting you take the program for a test drive 100% risk-free.
When you click the button below to upgrade your order…
Your digital copy of the Free Traffic Formula will be delivered to your inbox immediately.
All for less than what you’d spend on coffee in a week.
This is intentional.
I want to make this an easy decision for you.
And this is as affordable as I could possibly make it.
I mean, I know broke people that spend more than this on scratch-off tickets every week.
My hope is that you understand the opportunity you have today.
A shot at true freedom for less than a $20 bill.
And remember, I’ve already done all the work for you here.
All you have to do is follow the formula I’ve laid out…
To start making money online even faster than with the 1 Email A Day system alone.
If that sounds good to you click the button below to get started right now.

One-time fee of $19
60-Day Money Back Guarantee! No question asked.
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